Update: New Life in Spain and Housing Problems

Hello everybody! I know I’ve been away for a while… Don’t really have great excuses, I mean I had free time but I had my end of year exams at university, and had to get my life sorted for my new adventure: moving to Spain for a year. Sorry for my lack of content, I…

Dos and Don’ts: travelling to Venice! 

Ah, Venezia! I’m completely biased but I do adore Venice, I do believe everyone should see it at least once in their lifetime. I thought I might share some tips and tricks for those of you who might be thinking of going and would like some advice! Venice is a lovely city, but it can…

Italy, Tattoos and Meeting Amelia Liana!

Hello my loves! I’m finally back with a new post, I’ve been super super busy these days. I’ve come back to Italy for Easter break and I’ve been trying to stay with my family, friends and cuddling my dog who I missed so much, and… I’m not gonna lie, I’ve stuffed my face with Italian…

Life Update!

Hello everybody! So sorry for the recent lack of posts, I have no good excuse, I simply have been studying a lot for university since exams are coming up! I’ll go back to Italy soon for my small Easter break aaaand I am planning to get a new camera 🙂 That’s so exciting for me,…

Aubergine and Special Hummus Tower

Hello lovelies! Today I wanted to share with you a recipe I absolutely love. It’s super simple and quite quick too, perfect for when you’re feeling hungry but are still trying to be healthy! It’s a vegetarian recipe but it can be made vegan as well. I call the cream I make “special hummus” because it’s…

My Perfume Collection (Part 1)

Hello everyone! I am quite the lover of perfumes… actually I think I have an obsession. Whenever I smell a perfume I like I always want to buy it immediately. It’s hard to describe a scent by writing but I’ll try my best and hopefully, if anyone of you is looking into buying a new…

Internet Scammers & Preparing for Erasmus

Hello lovely people! This is a bit of a random post but I thought it might really help anyone who is preparing to go on their Erasmus year abroad or is thinking of going studying abroad soon. Lately I’ve been looking for little apartments to stay in during my year abroad with my friend and…

My favourite breakfast ideas

Hello everyone! Most days I go for the classic cereal/cookies and milk but when I have some more time I like to put a bit more effort in my breakfast as it’s my favourite meal of the day! I cannot go about my day without having breakfast, even when it’s very early in the morning…

Liebster Blogger Award!

Hello everyone! I am so so happy because two lovely bloggers, emmachxrlotte and plaindebbie, have nominated me for the Liebster Award! Here are the rules: Here are my answers from both Emma and Debbie’s questions: Three things that would make your day? Petting a puppy, eating chocolate cake and spending the day chilling with my friends!…

Accents, food and boh

Hello everyone! Welcome back! Thanks for sticking with me, lol. I have been thinking about what to write for my second blog post and I just figured, why not talk about my experiences as a foreign student in England? Perhaps this might help other future university students coming to England, and if that’s not the…